Seiko 5 Brown Dial Watch

Seiko is one the world's most famous brands. Seiko watches are offering the best quality for men. Among the Seiko watches, Seiko 5 is their most famous sub brand. It is famous among men all across the world. Men wear Seiko 5 proudly Oakley Replacement. Seiko 5 models are a sign of prestige and class. Seiko 5 has a range allocated for sports watches. Seiko 5 sports range is comparatively bigger in size than the normal Seiko and also the designs of Seiko 5 are more comprehensive. It gives enough value for the customer. Its prices are reasonable and affordable. Like all Seiko watches, Seiko 5 sports range is durable and heavy duty. The durability of Seiko watches is comparable to no other brand. One of the Seiko watches available in the market is the brown dialed watch. It is an intriguing selection of color for a watch Oakley sunglasses outlet. The accent of this watch is orange. Never before have you seen such color combination in a watch. The look of this Seiko 5 sports watch is outstanding and unique. If there would be a bunch of watches in front of you, this watch would certainly stand out because of its colors. The creativity and imagination of the designer have to be appreciated here. The bracelet of the watch is made of stainless steel. This is the standard practice in Seiko watches. The double lock grip is also a part of this watch. The pushbutton is well positioned too. Nothing seems out of place Oakley Women Outlet. It is neither too compact, nor too far apart. The balance is achieved remarkably well. Again the designer of the watch has to be applauded. The watch is nicely refined. The stainless steel is not raw. Polish has been applied in ample amount. The watch hence gets its usual sporty look. The case back of this watch is made of stainless steel. It is also polished well. It is said that the case back is 1,2mm thick. Another helpful technological aspect of this watch is that it is water resistant till 100 meters. It could have been better waterproof as it is a sports watch. Probably among all Seiko watches, this watch stands out due to its dial. As mentioned before the shade of brown makes the watch look classy. It gives that little bit extra to the watch. The dial's inside is also particularly attractive and attention grabbing. After each 5 minutes mark, there are Arabic numbers. The white hash marks between the numbers make the watch look better. As with other normal clocks, large indicators are found at 3, 6, 9 & 12. The name of the brand is embossed beautifully at the peak of the dial. The logo Seiko 5 is in the 1st line whereas Sports follows in the line below. So as an overall package this is a superb watch. You can buy it for a loved one or for your own use. Take my advice, you won't regret it one bit. Next time you decide to buy a watch, just have a look at this one.

To get even more information about Seiko watches (or as we say in Norway Seiko klokker) follow this useful link. If you want also to see offers for Festina watches (in Norwegian Festina armbandsur) visit this website.