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Your New Year's resolution may begin with best intentions, whether it's to lose those extra Christmas pounds from your over indulgence over the festive period or to finally pack in the cigarettes you know you should have done so years ago, but they often falter quicker than the turkey was eaten.You wake-up on New Year's Day with a banging head and the will to go on and fulfil those resolutions you promised to yourself the previous evening whilst under the influence. However, by January 3rd you're starting to falter after taking on too much.This is the year you should start the way you mean to go on, the new you that you want to become is achievable if you follow these rules.Keep it simpleDon't try and take on the world. If you want to give up smoking, only take on that challenge Herve Leger dresses sale. If you want to lose those Xmas pounds, then join at the local health club and stick with it! Mark a date on the calendar that you want to have achieved a reachable goal by, so when you reach the small goals you can feel proud of yourself and it will give you a big boost Cap Sleeve evening dresses.Set realistic targetsIt's easy to think, ‘I want to be X weight' or ‘I want to fit into those size 8 jeans' but if you are more Vanessa Feltz than svelte then it could demotivate you when you can't get anywhere near your target. Break the goal down into manageable chunks, or try to set more positive goals such as ‘I want to be healthier' or ‘I want to go to the gym 3 times a week'. You can then build on these goals and before you know it you have reached your target anyway!Create a mood-boardThis may sound like a strange thing to do, but cutting out positive pictures from magazines and old photos to create a visual image of what you are trying to achieve, helps you focus your mind on the task at hand in a constructive manner herve dress. So when you think you haven't got the drive to go to the gym again, you can quickly think about the positive image you have created and want to be, giving you the boost required to succeed!Reward yourselfLife is about enjoying yourself, so when you do make it to the gym the required amount of times, or you eat only health foods for a week, treat yourself to something small but naughty. Try a small chocolate bar or glass of wine so that you don't feel like your new healthy lifestyle is boring Herve Leger skirts on sale. If you feel like you've made a life-change rather than being on a diet then psychologically you will feel happier and will be more likely to reach your ultimate goal of becoming the new you!Esporta Health Club and Gym – Whether you are looking to get fit and lose weight in the gym, relax and unwind with your family, treat yourself to a Spa Day or meet and socialise with like minded people then Esporta have the facilities to match.Martyna Sroka Esporta Health Club and Gym www.esporta Herve Leger Strapless Esporta health club and Gym – Whether you are looking to get fit and lose weight in the gym, relax and unwind with your family, treat yourself to a Spa Day or meet and socialise with like minded people then Esporta have the facilities to match.